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Benefits of Greens Supplements for Gut Heath & Immunity

Winter is a time of cozy sweaters, warm drinks, and unfortunately, a higher risk of catching colds and flu. As the temperature drops, our immune system often needs extra support to keep us healthy. One powerful way to boost your health this winter is by incorporating a "Greens, Gut & Immunity" supplement into your daily routine.

Let's explore three key ingredients in these supplements—Larch Arabinogalactan, fermented Glutamine, and Digezyme—and understand how they can benefit you.

1. Larch Arabinogalactan: Gut Health Guardian

Larch Arabinogalactan is a natural compound derived from the wood of the larch tree. It plays a vital role in maintaining gut health by acting as a prebiotic, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This not only aids digestion but also enhances the body's natural defence mechanisms. By fostering a healthy gut microbiome, Larch Arabinogalactan helps in the efficient absorption of nutrients and supports overall immune function, making it a crucial component in your winter wellness arsenal.

2. Fermented Glutamine: Muscle Recovery and Immune Boost

Fermented Glutamine is an amino acid that supports various bodily functions, particularly muscle recovery and immune health. During winter, our bodies are more susceptible to stress and fatigue, which can weaken our immune system. Fermented Glutamine helps in repairing muscle tissue, reducing inflammation, and boosting the production of immune cells.

This makes it an excellent addition for those who want to stay active and healthy during the colder months. Moreover, its fermentation process enhances its bioavailability, ensuring your body can utilize it effectively.

3. Digezyme: Digestive Health Enhancer

Digezyme is a blend of digestive enzymes that aid in breaking down food into absorbable nutrients. Winter diets often include heavier, comfort foods that can be harder to digest. Digezyme ensures that your digestive system works efficiently, preventing discomfort such as bloating and indigestion. By supporting optimal digestion, Digezyme also contributes to better nutrient absorption, which is essential for maintaining a strong immune system. With a well-functioning digestive system, your body can more effectively fend off winter illnesses.

Daily Supplement and Food Stack Guide

To make the most out of these powerful ingredients, here's a simple guide to incorporating them into your daily routine:

Time of DaySupplement/FoodDescription
MorningGreens, Gut & Immunity SupplementStart your day with a boost of Larch Arabinogalactan, fermented Glutamine, and Digezyme to kickstart your gut health and immunity.
BreakfastGreek Yogurt with BerriesRich in probiotics and antioxidants to support digestive health.
LunchSpinach and Quinoa SaladPacked with vitamins, minerals, and fiber for overall wellness.
AfternoonMixed Nuts SnackProvides healthy fats and protein for sustained energy.
DinnerGrilled Chicken with Steamed VegetablesA balanced meal with essential nutrients to support muscle recovery and immune function.
EveningChamomile TeaA soothing end to your day, promoting relaxation and good digestion.


What are the benefits of taking a Greens, Gut & Immunity supplement in winter?

These supplements support immune function, enhance gut health, and aid in nutrient absorption, which are crucial during the colder months.

How does Larch Arabinogalactan improve gut health?

Larch Arabinogalactan acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and enhancing overall digestive health.

Why is fermented Glutamine better than regular Glutamine?

Fermented Glutamine has enhanced bioavailability, meaning your body can absorb and utilise it more efficiently, providing better support for muscle recovery and immune function.

Can I take these supplements daily?

Yes, these supplements are designed to support your gut health, immune system, and overall wellness throughout the winter season.

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